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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Landing Page 101: What Makes a Bad Landing Page?

I get sick each time I come across a badly written landing page. The first question that usually comes to my mind is: what were they thinking? What were the creators thinking when they wrote the page? I mean, do they seriously think they can convince me to buy from them?

I'm sure I'm not the only one with the same question. Countless others are asking the same question. If I' m curious enough, I may want to know the origin of the bad copy (that is if it's so bad). Usually, I check out of the crap page and move on. Who has time to read crap when I can utilise my time judiciously doing something else. I'd rather go to sleep than strain my poor eyes over a badly written page.


I take that back. What I meant to ask was what makes a ghastly written landing page? What is funny is that these bad webpages are trying to sell us different things all at once. The result is outright confusion.

What strikes me on reading a particular bad landing page (which I will not mention here) is that it has horrible English. Sometimes, I don't understand the message the writer is trying to pass across. I won't be amazed at the number of visitors that click off after reading the first paragraphs. I'm even more amazed at how this page made it to number 1 in Google. The keyword for used for this landing page is: Content writing.

A bad landing page has several links on the page that only serves to confuse the visitor. If you want your landing page to be free from clutter, lose the unnecessary links. Bear in mind that your sole purpose is to get your visitors to do a particular task and nothing more.

Another characteristic of a bad landing page is sidebars. Sidebars achieve the same purpose as one with irrelevant links. Lose the sidebars and make your visitors concentrate on your offer.

A bad landing page has a headline different from the Ad copy. This is important. Your headline and first paragraphs should closely match or reflect those used in your Ad copy. This gives your visitors a sense of belonging. Ignore this and your visitors will feel they have been redirected to the wrong webpage. The result will be high bounce rates. I'm sure no one in their right minds wants this.

A bad landing page is one without proofs. Your visitors need to know your offer works. Having proof earns you the trust of your visitors. Without one, your visitor will feel you are taking them for a ride. There are two ways to earn the trust of your visitors. If your visitors were referred from your blog, chances are they are regular readers of your blog and already trust you (hopefully). Say you got your visitors from a PPC Ad, then it's likely they have not heard of you for the first time. To earn their trust, provide them with video testimonials, screen shots of potency of service, social proof etc. Use whatever rocks your boat. Just make sure you show them solid proof.

Don't go over board and show them all the above mentioned proofs at once. One or two is enough to prove your point. So go ahead and write that terrific landing page.


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